Meet Marti and Jeff
The advantages of teamwork
WE PRIDE OURSELVES on responsiveness and rapid turnaround. Established in 1993, EditPros is a compact business enterprise that achieves efficiency through personal service. When your scheduled work hits our desk, it's given top priority — not just by an individual, but by a team: EditPros partners Marti Childs and Jeff March.
We've worked together since 1985, and we've learned how creativity is enhanced through collaboration. We'll save you time by saving steps. Our strength is derived from our training in journalistic research and reporting techniques. That, combined with our experience in developing marketing and advertising materials, helps us quickly gain understanding of the needs of individual clients.
When you add to that our fluency in digital publishing technology and editorial management, you'll find you can get a great deal done with one phone call to EditPros.
Call us weekdays: 530-759-2000.

Learn how EditPros can help you save money… time… and face.
The EditPros office is in the university town of Davis, California.
Normally we write about our clients, but many of them have written “thank you” notes to EditPros.
Our clients over the years have spanned a broad range of fields.
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